Pastor Jason Mangum ministers on Understanding the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Although we must do everything we can so the Power of God will operate in and through our lives, we must know who the Holy Spirit is personally.
The Holy Spirit is not only a force or power or influence that imitates from God.
The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person.
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity.
The Holy Spirit is as real as Jesus Christ Himself.
Many want more of the Power without knowing the Holy Spirit, but it doesn’t work this way.
You must have a relationship with the Holy Spirit to demonstrate pure heavenly power.
Many want more of the Holy Spirit, and ask “How do I have more of the Holy Spirit?” When we should be asking, “How can the Holy Spirit have more of me?”
We do not possess the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit possesses us.
We do not use the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit uses us.
We are talking about a Divine Person dwelling in us who we do not seek to control, but that we seek to be controlled by.
Humility sees it as a privilege that the Holy Spirit would make His home in us. That He would use a person even the likes of us.