Pastors Jason and Gloria Mangum are the Founders of The River At McAllen Church and Shake All Nations in McAllen, Texas. Jason Mangum was born in McAllen, Texas and grew up in what is known as the Rio Grande Valley, which is along the southernmost tip of Texas along the Mexico border. His wife, Gloria, was born in Nogales, Arizona and lived for her first few years in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She later came to McAllen, Texas and grew up there. Jason gave his heart to the Lord at the age of 12 and Gloria gave her heart to the Lord at the age of 10.
Jason grew up in a Christian home and his parents served at Good Shepherd Church in McAllen, Texas and then later at Trinity Worship Center in Pharr, Texas. Jason attended the churches private school from 4th grade through the 12th grade. Gloria grew up in a Baptist home and her parents were members of First Baptist Church in McAllen, Texas. Gloria attended school in the McAllen Independent School District and went to McAllen High School. She attended college at the University of Texas-Pan American. Jason and Gloria met and were married in 1991. For the first years of their marriage they served their home church of Trinity Worship Center. In 2000, their first son Noah was born and then in 2002, their second son Nathan was born.
In 2006, God spoke to Jason and said, “I am raising up a type of believer that will go and will not allow hell to enlarge itself on their watch, a type of believer that sees the enemy as the defeated foe that he is and a type of believer that will walk in the power and authority that I have given them.” During this time, God directed Jason and Gloria to start having Holy Ghost & Revival meetings. Additionally, they held meetings teaching on the Anointing, Gifts of the Spirit and Fire of God. During that time they were going into different communities and hospitals and began to see a harvest of souls, but knew that it was only the beginning. God broke their hearts for the lost and eternity was branded on their hearts. Jason and Gloria caught the fire of evangelism and it has been blazing ever since. They went from seeing a hand full of souls being saved on a monthly base to seeing hundreds of souls being saved in a matter of days. Since then, Jason and Gloria have been training and helping to mobilize the body of Christ.
In 2010, God spoke to them with a clear word for America, He said, “take My power to this nation and you will see America Saved!” The gospel is the power of God unto salvation and as we take the gospel across this land we see lives saved, healed, delivered and transformed never to be the same again! In 2011, Jason and Gloria started traveling full-time holding city-wide crusades, revivals and training churches how to reach their communities and city. Acts 1:8 “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Jason and Gloria help pastors and leaders mobilize their people to win the lost at any cost.
Jason and Gloria are both graduates from River University (River Bible Institute) in Tampa, Florida and both have a Degree in Ministry/Theology. Jason and Gloria are ordained and part of Revival Ministries International Ministerial Association and had the great honor and privilege of being on staff at Revival Ministries International & The River At Tampa Bay Church in Tampa, Florida where they served under Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne. In 2016 the Lord began to speak to Jason and Gloria about starting a Church in South Texas. With their Pastor’s blessing they launched out in 2017 with the vision to pioneer a church in the Rio Grande Valley. The River At McAllen Church was later founded by Jason and Gloria, which is in Hidalgo County. The motto of The River Church is “Church With A Difference”, with the goal of Preparing People For Eternity. Jason and Gloria have a passion for souls and a passion to revive and mobilize the Body of Christ.
The only hope for America is another Great Spiritual Awakening! And we must see the body of Christ rise up in this day and in this hour and go after the lost. The Church is the restraining force on the earth today. God is not finished with America and through the preaching of the gospel we will see entire cities shaken by the power of God!