Pastor Jason Mangum ministers on Liberty: Who Will Stand?
It is time the Church takes a stand for their God-given Freedom and Liberty.
Man did not give us our rights, so we don’t need permission to practice and enjoy our religious freedoms.
We must never forget that America was birthed out of a hunger and desire to worship God freely and live free.
America was established by God for a purpose and there is an enemy force trying to stop that purpose.
It cannot be church as usual, but we must rise up and stand for righteousness.
We are contending for a Great Awakening and fighting for the Heart and Soul of America.
As America goes, the world goes, and we will not let it slip away.
God is not done with America and it is not too late…
Why? Because the Bible says, “Today is the day of salvation.”
That’s how we know — Today is the day and as long as we have today then we have time to see God’s Mighty hand move through the lives of the Believers.
God is raising up an army of Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Holy Ghost Special Forces, Holy Ghost Green-Berets, Holy Ghost Seal Teams to turn the tide and take back America and see America Saved.
We must recognize that the Church full of the Holy Spirit is the restraining force on the earth today.
It is the Churches Finest Hour!